why is it happen heh??? serabut lah kepala otak asyik nak pikir semua nie but i can't run away from it.
and walaupun now i'm not with someone,i mean in relationship with, my otak still serabut with the soalan yang selalu orang tanya. bila girl tanya tape lagi,when it turn to boys.... ahhhhh,nak jawab tu susah... ade pakwe??? people?? perlulah aku bagitau semua orang aku ade pakwe ke tak haaa??
then bila lelaki tanya macam tu like always lah,ade yang gatal2 nak masuk jarum ntah ape2 tu kan.. pastu tak pasal2 label me as 'SOMBONG' .. ahhh,bencinya pemikiran melayu sekarang nie.. kalau lelaki label me like that,its okay boleh terima,but its girl okay. my own genderrrr
habis takkan aku nak layan semua lelaki then mulalah korang label me as gatal and murah kan??
nampak tak kat situ?? everything does'nt right to other people eyes.. thats why people always say just be yourself,dont pretend and don't even care what people think.
right RARE-DA,SYUD,ARE-DA,SYU???????
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