Saturday 3 August 2013


nak bergurau memang boleh,tp cuba pikir bertempat sikit. kalau kau dah  2 3 kali ulang benda yang terang-terang menghina tu bukan bergurau beb.. serious kabo,tu dah tahap menghina... huwaa,elok2 buat baik kat diorng,sesuka suki diorang buat aku gini..

perlulah panggil aku GEMUK,GENDUT,MARIO?

please people,woman are sensitive. terutamanya soal fizikal.


cuba kau berada kat tempat.

cuba kau rasa apa aku rasa,

cuba kau jalani kehidupan harian aku,

cuba kau hadapi masalah aku,


cuba kau ambil perhatian.

cuba kau hayati.

cuba kau nikmati.

cuba kau jalani.

cuba kau hadapi.


cuba kau diam.

cuba kau fikir/

cuba kau sedar.

yang selama ni kau dah sakiti perasaan orang sekeliling (*macam aku)

apa kau dah ckap yg sakitkan hati orang macam aku..

Saturday 5 January 2013

ujian ALLAH

Assalamualaikum pipols !!!!!!
kalau entry dulu dengar lagu sedih pun boleh head banging,but sekarang dengar lagu sedih ke happy ke aku tetap feeling sedih? nampak tak kat situ.. dah mesti lah entry kali nie pasal sambungan haritu kan.terus terang aku katakan,the feeling cintan cintun semua tu hanya aku yang rasa. dia kata dia hanya anggap aku sebagai kawan and not more than that.. ohhh,hancur berkecai hati gua dohhh.. but,definitely lah kan salah aku semua nie. gi gatal2 perasan non-muslim yang hot sentap syok kat kau padahal kau muka tak cantik langsung. nampak tak keperasanan aku kat situ..
but let me share with you all. he did give this song's lyrics.

Bukan Cinta Biasa - Afgan

Kali ini kusadari
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang memiliki
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku
Percayalah kepadaku
Semua ini kulakukan
Karena kamu memang untukku

Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang menemani
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku

what a word- chris medina

and what you think should i thought when i read the lyrics,which is romantic,about love.memang patutlah aku rasa perasan semua tu kan. so its my fault? malas dah fikir.. after been 2 years not attracted with somebody although some people show their interest to me,and because of the heartbroken i've been through before i never care that. and now when aku dah start ada feeling balik,this happen to me. Subhanallah,dugaan Allah tak akan melebihi kemampuan kita. Dia tahu aku mampu harungi semua nie,dan insyaALLAH aku redha. sebab aku tahu Allah dah sediakan yang lebih baik untuk aku :) insyaALLAH.

"People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you"
Past is nice Place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay.
  Allah yang menentukan hidup kita. Jadi janganlah berputus asa 
better hurt with the truth than comfort with the lies
  No one makes a lock without a key and that's why Allah won't give you problems without solutions
With Allah, we have everything we need!

Wednesday 2 January 2013


assalamualaikum pipols.

its been so hard lately to tell someone about how i feel right now. i don't know to who and how  should i tell this. but frankly,after been so long i'm not attched with someone (about4 years i  think) i've been hard feeling with  someone which is a non-muslim.i know what you thinking right now about me.but its happen spontaneously without me expect it. :(

we in same class but now he stop his studying because he get offer of working in a company at Perak. it is his decision,so i've no right to stop it. right?

but,i think it is good for both of us. why? it help us to think more about our feeling.when we be apart its give us more time to think wisely about it. and insyaALLAH if GOD wills we will find our way. i hope so. and really hope so. and for now we just a friend.

well,today is he 1st day been working. and unfortunately his day start with badly.
the night before he ask me to wake he up at 7,well because he is non-muslim so of course he is not wake up early in the morning to do solat subuh right. so,me call him several time until 7.15 am. he gonna to go to work at 8 and he is not awake yet???? and finally after few calls and texts he awake.
when he is on the way to his work place his car tyre broken. and takes 30 minutes to change it pipols and the time already 7.45. pity him right? finally he arrived at 8.20 i think,and thank God his boss understand his situation. hope tomorrow this thing would never happen again ya friend.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

new year crush

dengar lagu sedih-sedih pun aku boleh head banging tau time nie. of coz lah,bila hati dah bebunga-bunga api,semua benda tak ingat dah. hahaha.

1/1/2012, happy new year everyone!! tahun ini tak sambut new year pun. feeling new year pun tak wujud sebab aku sedang bertungkus lumus menghafal formula dan essay therma. sedih kan. :(
ahhh,tak perlu sedih sangat. 3 tahun kot aku kena rempuh semua nie. rilex sudah.. kan kan kan

btw actually update kali nie pasal aku ter'crush' dengan someone. well,it happen spontaneously okay. aku tak expect pun. ntah tetiba hari tu,aku ter'on' chat dan dapt inbox dari ehem2. elok-elok nak off chat,terus tak jadi. hahaha. nampak tak permainannya kat situ?

but,perlu dimention kat sini that he is non-muslim. sayang kan? but believe me he is totally kind. and he can say alhamdulillah taw,and of course not in precise way but at least boleh difahami lah kan. just imagine feeling aku time he said 'Alhamdulillah' right to my face. ohhh,giler melting time tu. he's trying his best to say it ,and alhamdulillah hi did it.. :)

and me hope he will get the hidayah to be a muslim. insyaAllah. please pray for it pipolsss. me hope so.. not because of it give advantage to me but let him feel the sweetness of ISLAM.

Tuesday 25 December 2012


everyone has their own heart disease right? but not the kind of disease that need to operate or whatsoever. but the disease that related to the feeling. yaaa,the feeling that always change over time.

why is it happen heh??? serabut lah kepala otak asyik nak pikir semua nie but i can't run away from it.

and walaupun now i'm not with someone,i mean in relationship with, my otak still serabut with the soalan yang selalu orang tanya. bila girl tanya tape lagi,when it turn to boys.... ahhhhh,nak jawab tu susah... ade pakwe??? people?? perlulah aku bagitau semua orang aku ade pakwe ke tak haaa??
then bila lelaki tanya macam tu like always lah,ade yang gatal2 nak masuk jarum ntah ape2 tu kan.. pastu tak pasal2 label me as 'SOMBONG' .. ahhh,bencinya pemikiran  melayu sekarang nie.. kalau lelaki label me like that,its okay boleh terima,but its girl okay. my own genderrrr

habis takkan aku nak layan semua lelaki then mulalah korang label me as gatal and murah kan??
nampak tak kat situ?? everything does'nt right to other people eyes.. thats why people always say just be yourself,dont pretend and don't even care what people think.

right RARE-DA,SYUD,ARE-DA,SYU???????